Lung Days
Illness crowding your last days
frail skin that awful dullled
grey and you sleeping, lights still on
I dabbed your forehead with your favourite essence:
vanilla, organic, fresh, buoyant,
eased back your hair and you sitrred,
the faintest of smiles, breathed
a deep thick rattle. I held your hand
like a chicken's foot you'd once said
and we'd laughed, let your humour carry us
tidal, willed ebbing towards that other shore.
I want to tell you now, I've gone back
Those old places, rocks, stones, somewhere circles
lain by the water's edge, let the wind carry my cries
remembered how you'd talk, head to one side
the camel cigarettes, unfiltered, the way you'd lived, died
pulled off the oxygen mask, let go, ebbed.
Keith mac Fhigheadair
Near the Hindmarsh River estuary close by at Victor Harbor there are beautiful resilient swamp paperbark trees. A boardwalk and trail lead around them; in winter the surface of the water in the small lagoon next to the trail flirts with the trees' reflections on those still days that have one stop, enchanted. This blog is to follow the trail wherever that may be lead across the world of enchantment and earth rapture.
This is a compelling poem Keith and glad to see you've started your blog already!